CONSISTENCY: What makes you win!

One of the finest cricket analysts and  commentators in India once said Vinod Kambli was a better player compared to Sachin Tendulkar. Yes, It's hard to believe!

How can one become the god of Cricket and another just forgotten by cricket lovers when both were trained by the same coach - Ramakant Achrekar?

The difference in what both have achieved in their life is mostly attributed by their "Attitude" and "Dedication" towards the game, explained the analyst. Attitude and dedication towards any goal in life can be measured by CONSISTENCY of efforts being put by the person in achieving it.

You must have heard or read the story about Sachin's hardwork for the game of cricket. He used to wakeup at 4 AM to get a local train to reach to the play ground. From there he used to go to school to and just after school he used to play 3-4 more matches - this much he was doing at the age of 12 years. Unbelievable, but true.

On the other hand, Vinod Kambli was a gifted player. He used to be the captain of school cricket team - Sachin used to play under him.

While Sachin never let level of dedication decreased by even an iota, Vinod Kambli somehow started losing his talent due to inconsistency.

After so much of continuous effort, Sachin became of the God of Cricket and no one remembers when did Vinod Kamblie retire.

That's we just talked about two great players in the history of Cricket and saw what consistency could make you achieve.

Now, question comes, how to be consistent. Here is a simple rule - The rule of 21 Days.

The rule of 21 days says whatever you do for continuous 21 days, it becomes a habit. For example, if you run 2 Kms daily for 21 days, on 22nd day your brain will automatically be set to go for run and you will feel restless without a run. But, simple rule is - you have to be consistent for 21 days - No matter what come, you have to go for run on daily basis - for 21 days.

I'll give an example on how you should keep yourself motivated to complete those crucial 21 days. This story again comes from the world of cricket. 

This is about Jemimah Rodrigues. When she was 13 she decided that one day she will play for India. Just like Sachin, she was dedicated. She told this story - on few early mornings, she used to feel lazy to get up from the bed. To keep herself motivated and to get up from the bed, she put one India cricket jersey on the from wall of bed and put a cropped picture of herself to fit it on the neck - the picture was complete: future India Player. She today (at the age of 19) is one of the finest players in Indian Cricket.

Message is clear - If you are consistent you can achieve any goal.

One with true inspiration - Jemimah Rodrigues.


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